"Aquello que para la oruga es el fin del mundo, para el resto del mundo se llama mariposa."
Lao Tse. -Pensador, sabio, filósofo y humanista chino. (604 a.E.C. - 531 a. E.C.)
"That which for the caterpillar is the end of the world, to the rest of the world is called a butterfly."
Lao Tse. -Chinese thinker, scholar, philosopher and humanist. (604 a.E.C. - 531 a. E.C.)
Lao Tse. -Pensador, sabio, filósofo y humanista chino. (604 a.E.C. - 531 a. E.C.)
"That which for the caterpillar is the end of the world, to the rest of the world is called a butterfly."
Lao Tse. -Chinese thinker, scholar, philosopher and humanist. (604 a.E.C. - 531 a. E.C.)
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