Resulta que ahora todo es Apocaliptico. Peliculas, (Como 2012) Videos de jinetes en Egipto, noticias de desastre nuclear en Japón En fin, toda una gama de cosas que muchos relacionan con Apocalipsis.
Lo unico cierto que entiendo del tema es:
1.- "Apocalipsis" es el nombre de el ultimo libro de la Biblia, y este contiene tambien buenas noticias para la humanidad, no solo mensajes de destrucción.
2.- La Biblia habla del "fin del mundo", pero los seres humanos creen que pueden evitarlo por sus propios esfuerzos. El que lo ha decretado asi es Dios y su palabra siempre se cumple, no importan los esfuerzos humanos por impedirlo.
De modo que vagando x la Red de Redes me sorprendí por la variedad de conceptos gráficos alrededor de este tema y aqui les dejo algo de lo que halle, espero lo disfruten.
It turns out that now everything is Apocalyptic. Movies (like 2012) Videos of riders in Egypt, the news of nuclear disaster in Japan, a whole range of things that many relate to Apocalypse.
The only that I understand is true of this topic is:
1 .- "Apocalypse" is the name of the last book of the Bible (Revelation), and it also contains good news for humanity, not only messages from destruction.
2 .- The Bible speaks of the "end of the times", but humans think they can avoid it by their own efforts. Which has decreed so is God and his word is always true, no matter the human efforts to prevent it.
So that, roaming the World Wide Web was surprising to me the variety of graphic concepts about this subject, and here I leave something that I found, I hope you enjoy it.

Revelation (Apocalypse) 6:1-8
"1 And I saw when the Lamb opened one of the seven seals, and I heard one of the four living creatures say with a voice as of thunder: “Come!” 2 And I saw, and, look! a white horse; and the one seated upon it had a bow; and a crown was given him, and he went forth conquering and to complete his conquest.
3 And when he opened the second seal, I heard the second living creature say: “Come!” 4 And another came forth, a fiery-colored horse; and to the one seated upon it there was granted to take peace away from the earth so that they should slaughter one another; and a great sword was given him.
5 And when he opened the third seal, I heard the third living creature say: “Come!” And I saw, and, look! a black horse; and the one seated upon it had a pair of scales in his hand. 6 And I heard a voice as if in the midst of the four living creatures say: “A quart of wheat for a de·nar´i·us, and three quarts of barley for a de·nar´i·us; and do not harm the olive oil and the wine.”
7 And when he opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth living creature say: “Come!” 8 And I saw, and, look! a pale horse; and the one seated upon it had the name Death. And Ha´des was closely following him. And authority was given them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with a long sword and with food shortage and with deadly plague and by the wild beasts of the earth."

Estos primeros 7 ejemplos se relacionan un poco con La Biblia.

This first 7 examples are related a little to the Bible.

Otros hacen una interpretación mas personal y adaptada a sus preferencias.

Others make a more personal interpretation tailored to them preferences.
Y otros hasta los usan para lograr sus metas, como esta activista de "Green Peace". / And others use it to achieve their goals, as this activist of "Green Peace".

A continuación, los videojuegos hacen su contribución. / Next, the videogames make their contribution.

Por ultimo pero no menos importante, una representación de Hades. / Last but no least. a representation of Hades

Al siguiente ejemplo su autor lo llamo "Los cuatro jinetes del Apocalipsis". / The following example the author called it "The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse".

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